new equipment raises profits

In The Path Of A Winter Storm? Propane To The Rescue!

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Canada has recently been hit with a number of winter storms, each bringing inches of ice and snow to residents in the path of these storms. Another blizzard is imminent, and many people worry about losing their heat when the storm dumps its wrath across the land. There are several things you can do to ensure the safety and comfort of you and your family if you live in an area that gets a lot of inclement weather during the winter months.…

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Types Of Vibration Control For Industrial Buildings

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As an illustration of the damaging effects of vibration, consider this: When removing concrete from the base of a metal post, all you have to do is pound on the post with a hammer. The waves of vibration traveling up the post will shatter the concrete. In an industrial setting, machinery can vibrate against the frame of a building or the pad on which the machinery rests to damaging effect. You also have to consider the effects of ground vibrations due to seismic activity.…

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Color And Emotion In Food Packaging

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When it comes to selling food products, the packaging you choose can be just as critical to your recipe or ingredients. While things like logos, catch phrases and lettering all affect sales, one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make when ordering labels for your product is what color to choose. That’s because consumers register color much faster than graphics or logos. In fact, 90 percent of shoppers make snap judgements about products within 90 seconds simply by taking in the colors on the packaging.…

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